Eight members of Chester S.C. went to this the first national rally of 2009. Dave Buckley,Stef and family,Steve and Jan Flynn ,Pete and Tina Chadwick and Judy and me . None of us rode up ! Friday was good weather ,mostly ,and the evening do in the Spa was great with Basket Case taking on a "Pirates of the Carribean " theme and really working the crowd in the main room . Saturday was the usual choc-a-bloc parts fair .Wandering into town after our pub lunch we came across this sorry sight outside a hotel .A minute after taking the photo the owner and his mate showed up with big card board boxes under each arm ,fresh from the parts fair . The lads were from Preston,about 120 miles away .Halfway through the journey this ts1 lammy melted its piston and not wishing to miss the rally ,was recovered to this pavement ,where the engine was removed and stripped in the front garden of the hotel .The lads had bought a complete ts1 kit to repair it with (about £450 +!! )We wished them luck ,and went off to town .This was 1.30 pm .

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