The weather turned out to be much better than the forecast and the nine scooters that left the Chester area all arrived without getting wet at all .When we met at Clubbies we had a new face with us,Billy on his T5 ,plus Carl,Gav,and Nico with Helen on the pillion ,all on Vespas,but never mind ,no clubs perfect !!Nico reckond I had let them down by bringing a Lammie along !!We soon balanced things up picking up Bern and Tracey on the SX,then at ST Davids Hotel Brian ,Andy and Martin all on Lammies .We took the scenic route after a short burst up the A55 ,loosing Brian Andy and Martin at Lloc when Martin had a front wheel puncture(valve catching forks )good job Andy had a spare to lend .We all arrived at Venue Cymru (Theatre ) on the prom by 12ish ,had a coffee caught up with the "puncture outfit"and went in to the parts fair ,only £3 this time.The display of custom scooters was good(thanks to Billy for the photos),including Dangerous Dave Williams replacement for the stolen "Hunter not the Hunted",which is "Help for Heroes " Dave ,as an ex squadie ,had not only set up a stall to raise money for the charity ,but has had his Vespa painted to match .He told me later they had taken over £500 that day for the cause .Well done Dave and Julie .Lots of other Chester s.c. members were at the venue for the day,or staying over ,for the full weekend .Some on a day only pass started to head for home around 3.30 and another dry ,if somewhat cool ,ride home was experienced ! The Saturday evening entertainment was at several venues,with the Nomads s.c. running a do in the function room under the Regency Royal hotel ,which worked quite well until the bar staff were faced with a crowd of more than two people ,at which point they fell to pieces! Some were even drinking water from a tap somewhere as they were too thirsty to wait for service !! A move up to the main VFM do at 10pm was called for ,A charge of £6 on the door was good Value For Money ! As the downstairs bar had the "Northern " on and upstairs the mainroom with all the usual good atmoshere of a national scooter rally .The punk band "The Re-Offenders" came on at 11ish and did about an hours set of all the well known Punk tunes plus some unusual adaptations (their own ?) .Lots more familiar faces at this do and Chester sc were well represented (well done Dave weller Buckley ,always first up on the floor !)Folks who had been there on Friday night said it had been equally good,if not better than Saturday, I finally went deaf at about 12.45 and Jude and I bailed out ,but the dance floor was packed .Overall a great weekend for scooter enthusiasts,I will cetainly try to stay down there if they run it again in 2 years time .Well done to VFM ,NOMADS AND ALL from our Club as we gave it good support ! Dave .
Monday, May 03, 2010
Llandudno Rally,May 2010.
The weather turned out to be much better than the forecast and the nine scooters that left the Chester area all arrived without getting wet at all .When we met at Clubbies we had a new face with us,Billy on his T5 ,plus Carl,Gav,and Nico with Helen on the pillion ,all on Vespas,but never mind ,no clubs perfect !!Nico reckond I had let them down by bringing a Lammie along !!We soon balanced things up picking up Bern and Tracey on the SX,then at ST Davids Hotel Brian ,Andy and Martin all on Lammies .We took the scenic route after a short burst up the A55 ,loosing Brian Andy and Martin at Lloc when Martin had a front wheel puncture(valve catching forks )good job Andy had a spare to lend .We all arrived at Venue Cymru (Theatre ) on the prom by 12ish ,had a coffee caught up with the "puncture outfit"and went in to the parts fair ,only £3 this time.The display of custom scooters was good(thanks to Billy for the photos),including Dangerous Dave Williams replacement for the stolen "Hunter not the Hunted",which is "Help for Heroes " Dave ,as an ex squadie ,had not only set up a stall to raise money for the charity ,but has had his Vespa painted to match .He told me later they had taken over £500 that day for the cause .Well done Dave and Julie .Lots of other Chester s.c. members were at the venue for the day,or staying over ,for the full weekend .Some on a day only pass started to head for home around 3.30 and another dry ,if somewhat cool ,ride home was experienced ! The Saturday evening entertainment was at several venues,with the Nomads s.c. running a do in the function room under the Regency Royal hotel ,which worked quite well until the bar staff were faced with a crowd of more than two people ,at which point they fell to pieces! Some were even drinking water from a tap somewhere as they were too thirsty to wait for service !! A move up to the main VFM do at 10pm was called for ,A charge of £6 on the door was good Value For Money ! As the downstairs bar had the "Northern " on and upstairs the mainroom with all the usual good atmoshere of a national scooter rally .The punk band "The Re-Offenders" came on at 11ish and did about an hours set of all the well known Punk tunes plus some unusual adaptations (their own ?) .Lots more familiar faces at this do and Chester sc were well represented (well done Dave weller Buckley ,always first up on the floor !)Folks who had been there on Friday night said it had been equally good,if not better than Saturday, I finally went deaf at about 12.45 and Jude and I bailed out ,but the dance floor was packed .Overall a great weekend for scooter enthusiasts,I will cetainly try to stay down there if they run it again in 2 years time .Well done to VFM ,NOMADS AND ALL from our Club as we gave it good support ! Dave .
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