We will be meeting at Clubbies (Grosvenor Arms, Handbridge) at 10.00am with a view to leaving at 10.15am. We will more than likely be stopping at the Raven Cafe for bacon butties along the way. We hope to arrive in Shrewsbury for 12pm. There will be all day music, BBQ, stalls, custom scooter show, raffle. We did this very well organised charity event last year & it proved to be an excellent day out. As always any other scooter club or solo riders are more than welcome to join us.
Great ride out today, bought some stuff and came home with £50 more than I started with!
Well done Billy, you jammy bugger. Yes it was a really good ride out and a really enjoyable day all round thanks to good company and a very well organised event by Sevenside S.C. That road from Shewsbury to Ellesmere must be one of the best riding roads in the area.
Haha Graham, I feel like a weekend millionare now!
Totally agree about the company and the roads, made for a great day out.
Incidentally (for anyone who might have seen it) I have found the contact details for the company who owned that horse box who was driving dangerously on the A41 (by the truck stop) and have mailed the company owner.
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