Thanks to the Dabbers as a club and Ainsley and family in particular for another good ride and fun day at Nantwich .No serious breakdowns though Brian had managed to get his hands and head covered in oil before the rideout even started ,due to a loose exhaust ! thats him on the photo fixing it !Bad day this time on the Lambretta breakdowns though, as Tomos G.P. was so put out at the thought of coming out that the gear selector packed up and my T.V conked out so many times in the first five miles that I had to take it home ! All quiet on the Vespa front ??? Watch this space !
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Dabbers rideout 8th Aug.2010
Thanks to the Dabbers as a club and Ainsley and family in particular for another good ride and fun day at Nantwich .No serious breakdowns though Brian had managed to get his hands and head covered in oil before the rideout even started ,due to a loose exhaust ! thats him on the photo fixing it !Bad day this time on the Lambretta breakdowns though, as Tomos G.P. was so put out at the thought of coming out that the gear selector packed up and my T.V conked out so many times in the first five miles that I had to take it home ! All quiet on the Vespa front ??? Watch this space !
After a nice trouble free run back to Chester - All quiet on the Auto front !!!!
3-1, Bernie was fixing his v*spa at clubbies
About 1 in 3 for both Lambretta's and v*spa's that made the trip
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