Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Wrexham Scooter Club,Llangollen Rideout 10

We will be meeting at Clubbies (Grosvenor Arms, Handbridge) this Sunday (6th June) at 11.00am with the view of leaving no later than 11.30am. Arriving at the Walnut Tree pub Wrexham about 12.00pm. There will be a BBQ, Dealer stalls, Raffle and Custom show. The rideout to Llangollen leaves at 1.00pm. As always, any scooter club or solo riders are more than welcome to join us!


Anonymous said...

Just received phone call from Simo Liverpool S.C. they will be joining us on run to Wxm, they will be leaving macdonalds Birkenhead at 10.30 am should get to clubbies around 11.15 am, regards to all, Bernie

Graham said...

Andy, there is a poster on the Wrexham SC website that says that the rideout leaves at 12 noon ? So we could do with confirming if that time is correct, because we might miss the start at Wrexham if we leave at 11-30 or later from Clubbies.


Andy (nico) said...

I spoke to Davis from Wrexham Scooter club on monday night,The Rideout is 1.00pm.The 12 noon is an error on there flyer.

Graham said...

OK thanks for the confirmation Andy, just thought we might have got the time wrong.
