Monday, July 10, 2023

OSA Scooters Info

 For Dave Baker - I have found out some information on that big ugly white scooter that I photographed at the Euro.

OSA Scooters

A Brief History of the Marque

The Polish factory WFM (Warszawska Fabrica Motocyklowa) began designing scooters in 1952 to address the demand in countries controlled by the USSR. They built three prototypes in 1955-56, the best of which was named the Osa. Using the S-06 engine, a small batch of Osa scooters was built in early 1959 and production began in May of that year. The Osa M-50 had a 173cc engine and 14" wheels. A larger version was introduced in 1962, the M-52. Production was halted in 1965 after a total of 25,000 scooters had been built.

1 comment:

Andy said...

'that big ugly white scooter' thought you'd seen a v*spa there for one minute...